Sunday, August 29, 2021

As Fast As Words Could Fly

Listen to this story and comment 3 things you learn from this story or comment if this story inspires you and say why or why not? 


  1. What I learnt
    1. Electric typewriters are faster than manual typewriters.
    2. White and black people used to go to different schools.
    3. There is typing class in high school.

  2. What I learn't from this video so like
    1.Electric type writers are faster than manual typewriters
    2.white and black people used to go to other schools.

  3. What I learnt in the video
    1.their are two different kind of typewriters. people get treated differently.
    3.White and black people used to go to different schools.

  4. What I learnt

    The three things I lernt was
    1.Electrc Typewrites are faster then manul typeers
    2.White and black people went to diffrent schools
    3.That Withe or blck you are still helpful to anyone

  5. What I learnt

    The three things I learnt
    1. Their are two different types of type writters .
    2.Its not about words, its about actions.
    3. Your actions can change your life.
