Friday, October 29, 2021

Message from Miss Chan for all of us in Room 5

I would like to thank everyone in room 5 for always being so kind and welcoming. You have made this practicum an experience that I will always treasure. I have put together a class photo with all of us since we weren't able to take a photo with everyone. I will miss you all and I hope I can come visit once it is safe for schools to reopen. Until then, enjoy your time as students and never stop being curious, confident, and funny. 

- Miss Chan

Ngā mihi


  1. Awesome message Miss Chan!
    I love how you put everyone´s blog post photo on a meet and put colors as backgrounds! I hope I can meet you in person one day and good luck on achieving your goal and dreams! Amazing job!

  2. Wow amazing message Miss Chan,

    Hope to see you soon, and stay safe out there, also hope you had fun learning with Room5, thats all bye and have a amazing day !
